The Truth About The Quints On OutDaughtered

The quints on OutDaughtered are proof that everything is bigger in Texas — even families! The Houston-area family of eight made national headlines when it was discovered that Danielle Busby was pregnant with the first set of all-female quintuplets in the United States. To top it off, the Busbys already had an adorable daughter, Blayke, at home, which meant they were parents to a total of six girls. Shortly after, they landed a show on TLC called OutDaughtered, and their lives have never been the same. 


However, while the show might follow the entire Busby clan, there's definitely a lot of interest in the quints and rightfully so! They're all so cute and sweet, but they each have their own personalities and interests, which is fun to watch on the show. Still, the truth about the quints on OutDaughtered is pretty fascinating, and the family has definitely grown since they were born — and we're not just talking about in size. 

The quints on OutDaughtered were born in the NICU

Obviously, having five babies at once made for a tough pregnancy for Danielle Busby. In fact, she gave birth to the quints on OutDaughtered when she was only 28 weeks along, and the quints spent three full months in the neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU. Those three months were super hard for Danielle and husband Adam Busby, something Danielle has reflected on many times since the quints' births. "The fact that five of them were 28 weekers and lived in the NICU for 3 months," she wrote in an Instagram post in March 2019. "There Isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about those NICU days...the days I couldn't kiss them, couldn't hold them... but these are my 'now days' and Mommy has KISSES FOR DAYS AND DAYS." 


Adam also gets emotional thinking about how five of his daughters were born so early. "I'm looking at them, and they're like... tiny," Adam said while choking up in an interview with TLC about his daughters being born. It was an emotional experience for the family, but they've come such a long way since.

The Busbys struggled before getting pregnant with having the quints on OutDaughtered

While having five children all at once might seem like far too many kids to handle for some people, the Busbys have always remained super grateful for getting pregnant with the quints on OutDaughtered. In fact, all six of their daughters are super special to the Busbys because the couple struggled with infertility for over a year before getting pregnant. Danielle Busby described the journey they took to figure out what they needed to do to have kids on her blog, It's A Buzz World. "After a few appointments and [tests], we discovered Adam's testosterone, sperm count, and motility were low," Danielle wrote. "At the same time we discovered I do not ovulate regularly, which made the situation more challenging." 


Of course, it's clear that the Busbys truly wanted to become parents, and the fact that they ended up with six children has made their journey all that much more special. 

All the quints on OutDaughtered are in school now

As crazy as it sounds, those little quintuplet babies are all in school now! As loyal viewers of the show know, the quints on OutDaughtered started attending preschool in August 2018. Before that, they were attending the same school, but as youngsters going to the "toddler room." In a past episode of OutDaughtered, Adam and Danielle Busby met with the director of the quints' school to discuss how the girls were progressing in the toddler room and were surprised to learn that they would need to split them up as two, Riley and Parker, had advanced and were ready to start a new class. Then, the quints went to preschool and Adam and Danielle decided to split them up again — this time into three different classes. "The quints are all so different and we think splitting them up the way we did is what is best for each of them," Danielle explained on her blog, It's A Buzz World.


School is definitely important for the Busbys, and, even though it's been an adjustment to divide the girls up, Danielle expressed on an episode of OutDaughtered that she could definitely see the positive effects school was having on the girls. She said, "I love to have them be their individual self, and grow and learn as they take it at their own pace."

OutDaughtered quint Hazel Grace is one of a kind

Hazel Grace Busby was the third quint on OutDaughtered to be born, but was the smallest, weighing only two pounds, according to TLC. Hazel has always had gorgeous red hair and is the only one of her sisters to rock the flaming locks. According to the It's A Buzz World blog, Hazel loves mashed potatoes, lemonade, her family, and the color green. But she does not love when her sister, Parker, turns the lights on and wakes her up in the morning! Who would?


But that's not the only way Hazel Grace is one of a kind. In an early episode of OutDaughtered, Danielle Busby's sister, Crystal and her husband, Dale, watched the quints for the parents of six. It was definitely chaotic, but, while most of the children were freaking out, crying and screaming, Hazel literally put herself in the corner in time-out because she knew she had been bad! What kind of child does that? Hazel Grace does! 

OutDaughtered's Hazel also has some health struggles

Unfortunately, Hazel Busby, one of the quints on OutDaughtered, is also one of a kind due to her health struggles. As the Busbys told TLC, Hazel was born with an eye condition known as congenital nystagmus, and it's something she has had to deal with her whole life. As Adam Busby said to TLC, the condition can be described as "an involuntary flutter," and Hazel has had to undergo surgery to help with the condition, which was documented in Season 2 of OutDaughtered when Hazel was 1 year old


The surgery definitely helped with Hazel's eye condition, though. "Whenever she was a baby, all the way until her first surgery, she would look off to the left, and force her eyes to the right corner so that she could focus," Adam explained (via TLC). As much as the surgery has helped, it was, of course, still extremely difficult for Adam and wife Danielle to put Hazel under for the doctors to work to fix her eyes. "You can't do anything except wait," Danielle said in the episode of OutDaughtered when Hazel got her first eye surgery.

Olivia Marie is the spunky quint on OutDaughtered

According to TLC, Olivia Marie Busby was born second out of all the quints on OutDaughtered and is a "goofball," who "loves to laugh." But despite her "sweet smile," Olivia apparently likes to "start trouble." However, Olivia is still super cute, and, according to mom Danielle Busby, "Olivia is our [goofball] in the group," as she wrote on the It's A Buzz World blog. In a video shared by Danielle on YouTube, Olivia takes her first steps as Danielle records her, but it's not her walking that steals the show. In the clip, Olivia lets out an adorable giggle just as she starts to walk, a laugh that Danielle refers to as "her Santa laugh." How funny!


In her It's a Buzz World blog post, Danielle also noted that Olivia loves chicken nuggets, lemonade, Frozen, and Target. Sounds like a typical kid!

OutDaughtered's Olivia and Ava Lane are identical twins

While the Busby quints on OutDaughtered all share the same birthday (April 8, 2015), as shared by TLC, two of the little girls are actually identical twins: Olivia Marie and Ava Lane! Olivia and Ava are super connected, as mom Danielle Busby wrote in the It's A Buzz World blog. "They are so similar but a bit different," she wrote. "They seem to be dependent on each other at when [it's] time for bed, they must both be in the room." Danielle explained, "They find a bit of security when the other quint-twin is around. It really is unique seeing their extra bond while being a quintuplet." 


The twins definitely have a special bond, which is super sweet for viewers to see on OutDaughtered. As Danielle continued on her blog, "They love to dance, bounce around and copy each other." And even though Adam and Danielle are great parents, Danielle admitted that they both get the twins mixed up at times, which is understandable! 

Ava was the first born of the quints on OutDaughtered

Aside from being one of the twins, Ava Lane Busby is also the firstborn quint on OutDaughtered! According to TLC, "She is very serious most of the time and very sweet. She shows little glimpses of her goofy side when she sees Olivia get going." 


Ava loves chicken, ice cold water, The Greatest Showman, and elephants, as shared on the family's It's A Buzz World blog. Additionally, mom Danielle Busby noted that Ava "loves to always say 'can you help me' in her sweet voice." Ava is also practically her mommy's shadow. For a 2018 Mother's Day blog post, Danielle wrote a sweet note to Ava, stating, "You taught me that I am not really a claustrophobic person if it is you that is glued right next to me," adding, "I love how you love me, even if you are mad at me ... and you still want to be right next to me." Aw! Ava Lane is a sweetie at heart.

Riley Paige is definitely the troublemaker of the quints on OutDaughtered

Next up in the quints on OutDaughtered is Riley Paige Busby! "Riley is the 4th baby born and has always been the rowdy one," TLC explained to fans. "She is the first to greet the strangers and always wants to wander around and explore." The network behind OutDaughtered further noted, "Riley loves sweets the most. She is a little drama queen and knows how to manipulate everyone around her to get what she wants." 


Even though she can be manipulative, Riley is still completely adored by her family. "You amaze me daily!" Danielle Busby wrote to Riley in her 2018 Mother's Day post on the It's A Buzz World blog. "I don't know how I have a little girl like you but you truly are amazing." Calling her "brighter than any other 3-year-old" she's known, Danielle went on, "You have taught me what the true meaning of having patience is ... and you constantly make me think outside the box." Riley is a handful, as Danielle says, but she's also pretty brilliant and amazing, which just makes her all the more lovable. 

OutDaughtered quint Riley is a serious daddy's girl

Being a troublemaker isn't the only thing Riley Busby excels at. The adorable quint on OutDaughtered is also really good at stealing her daddy's heart. According to TLC, "she is smart, bossy, and confident," and she "demands attention," usually from her dad, Adam Busby. 


Additionally, according to Danielle, Riley takes after Adam in a lot of ways. "She is way more like Adam when I think about it," Danielle wrote on her It's A Buzz World blog. Calling her a "sneaky little booger," Danielle said Riley was the "tattle teller" of the family, noting, "She may not always be telling the truth but she will [for sure] tell you when someone else is doing something wrong." Additionally, Riley is pretty strong-willed for someone so young. "She is ... overly dramatic about everything," Danielle continued in her blog post, "especially when she gets in trouble ... She talks back, wants to have last word and is just all around strong-willed. I love this about her though...she sure is sure on who she is and what she wants." Riley knows who she is and isn't afraid to be herself, especially if her daddy's around.


Parker Kate is the youngest quint on OutDaughtered... and the most stubborn

Parker Kate Busby is the youngest of all the quints on OutDaughtered — and all the Busby children! According to TLC, Parker is the tallest of the girls and enjoys climbing and running around, as the network noted, "This girl RUNS!" TLC added, "Parker is the most observant and likes to people watch. ... She has always been the quietest but has come out of her shell since being more mobile. She squeals a lot now and likes to be loud." 


Parker definitely has a special place in her mom's heart as the youngest child. In her 2018 Mother's Day letter to her daughters on her It's A Buzz World blog, Danielle Busby told Parker, "You are a doll. You have a smile that will light up any room and though you are a Daddy's girl, you are forever my baby," adding, "You taught me that there really is someone out there more stubborn than me." Parker may be the youngest, but it's clear she is still sassy and sweet, just like all of her older sisters.

OutDaughtered quint Parker has struggled with anxiety

Being one of six children who are all girls could definitely have an impact on a child. In Season 5 of OutDaughtered, viewers watched as Adam and Danielle Busby came to terms with Parker's struggle with anxiety. In the episode, the quints on OutDaughtered performed at their school's Christmas program, and things took a turn for the worse when Parker started to cry on stage. It was a hard moment for everyone, especially parents Adam and Danielle. "It's heartbreaking to see Parker crying on stage," Adam said in the episode. "I just want to run up there and hold her." He added, "It just seems like all the girls have taken this huge step forward, and Parker's just going the other direction. I'm just worried that his may be more than just stage fright."


Eventually, Adam and Danielle took Parker to see an occupational therapist so they could have a "better understanding of how we can help her," as Adam shared in the episode. Parker's anxiety might take time to work through, but it's clear her parents are dedicated to helping her through it.

The quints on OutDaughtered have an older sister

As fans will know, the quints on OutDaughtered have an older sister, Blayke. Blayke was the first child Adam and Danielle Busby had after their fertility struggle, so it's no surprise that she holds a special place in their heart. She instantly stole her parents' hearts when she was born, and, on her It's A Buzz World blog, Danielle wrote about how much she loved her oldest daughter. "If you were to ask anyone to describe Blayke they would more than likely tell you she is a 'little princess who always has a bow in her hair,'" Danielle wrote. "They might even say a little bossy." Danielle added, "But she is perfect in every way!"


Adam also treasures their oldest, Blayke. In an episode of OutDaughtered, Adam took Blayke to a Daddy-Daughter dance for Valentine's Day, and the two had some special time away from the quints. "I'm gonna soak up every second of it," Adam said of their time at the dance. "Because I know one day, I'm gonna miss it." Clearly, the Busbys love all their daughters, and it's so sweet to watch.

This is how the Busbys tell the quints on OutDaughtered apart

Obviously it must be exhausting to have six kids, five of whom all look very similar with two who are actually identical. But Adam and Danielle Busby have mastered the art of telling their quints apart... for the most part, that is. When the quints on OutDaughtered were younger, Adam and Danielle used a color system to tell them apart with Hazel wearing green, Olivia wearing red, Riley wearing purple, Parker wearing yellow, and Ava wearing pink. 


But they've since had to resort to other methods to tell them apart. In a video Adam and Danielle uploaded to YouTube, the parents asked their oldest daughter, Blayke, and family friends how they tell the quints apart. They said that she knows Hazel has glasses and red hair, Riley has a smaller head and bigger eyes, and Parker is the tallest and has "pretty hair." Regarding the twins, Blayke added that Olivia has "a roundish face" and curly hair, while Ava has a square face with bigger teeth.

While the Busby quints might have a lot in common, they're all unique in their own ways. 

